.:A look at the families:.
Here you will be able to read about the witch girls families. Their families have a lot to say, when it some to each girls personality. I will give a profile on each family member, and tell a little about the girls’ role in the family is. I will also tell how the family is together, what their habits and relationship is. I hope you will enjoy these family profiles.
Vandom family: This is Will’s family, here you will be able to read about Susan Vandom, Dean Collins, Willian Vandom and Mr. Huggles.
Lair family: This is Irma’s family, you can read about Tom Lair, Anna Lair, Christopher Lair and Leafy here.
Cook family: Here is Taranee’s family, it consists of Lionel Cook, Teresa Cook and Peter Lancelot Cook.
Hale family: Here you can read about Cornelias family. It is Harold Hale, Elisabeth Hale, Lillian Hale and Napoleon.
Lin family: Last but not least Hay Lin’s family, here we have Chen Lin, Joan Lin and Yan Lin.
Written by K.D.