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Vandom |

Vandom Family
Susan Vandom:
Susan is a very caring mom, she was alone with Will when she came to Heatherfield. Shortly after arriving she fell in love with Wills history teacher. They have now gotten married and have just gotten a baby boy. She works at a very big office, and has a very weird secretary. Susan can be strict but is a very worm person. She doesn’t have much spear time, but we know that she loves to travel and see new places.
Dean Collins:
He is Wills step dad and history teacher. It was a bit of a chock for Will when she found out avout them, but she is very okay with it now. Collins has the tendency to be on Wills side the most of the time. He is a bit old fashion, but he is a very kind guy.
William Vandom:
This is the newest member of the family, but he fits perfectly in. We don’t know much about him yet, but I am pretty sure that he is going to play a very big part in the story from now on. Will has recently discovered that William has magical powers. She found him one day up in the air, with wings just like her own.
Mr Huggels:
This little fellow was Wills pet, when she just moved to Heatherfield. He was the reason why Matt and she began to talk. He was a rebel, and he loved cookies! He is sadly dead now. He was hit by a car, and he was put to sleep in Matt’s grandfathers’ pet shop. Will still misses him very much!
Written by K.D.